Lotto Rules with a detailed description

Lotto is a popular gambling game with a long history, where special cards with rows of numbers are used. Winning here depends entirely on luck. But some players claim that you can influence the result if you give one player too many cards. As a result, the probability of error increases. The lotto rules are incredibly simple, which explains this success. You can learn the basic principles of fun in a couple of minutes. Even newcomers of Frank Club can benefit from this game for free.

Game History

Originally, the lotto was played for money in the far XVI century in Genoa. Then this entertainment became popular throughout Italy. But in 1521 the game the government of the Republic of Venice for the first time banned this entertainment to their subjects. However, the ban could not affect the spread of fun, it moved to France. The French still love to have fun at weekends with the help of a lotto. Today the lotto is recognized as a gambling game, but, interestingly, in many countries, this game was considered to be developing and extremely entertaining. The lotto was equated, for example, with chess. The logic of this opinion is easy to understand, because this game helps to develop memory and ingenuity. But then the question arises, why are not the cards to developing entertainment? After all, here you need to work even harder with your head.

Rules of lotto with kegs

Let’s consider the principles of the most popular and famous variety of lotto games in our country. For one party are necessary:

  • 90 barrels with numbers;
  • Bag or box for barrels;
  • Cards with numbers;
  • Chips that close the numbers on the cards.

You can play the lotto both for money and for interest. If the keg number selected by the master coincided with the number on the player’s card, the master will report it to close the keg number with a token. If the row on the cardboard is completely closed, the participant informs the leader. There are three main types of lotto games. Although they all share the same principles, there are some minor differences:

  • In a simple lotto the winner is the one who has closed all the numbers on the cardboard. As a rule, each player has three cards here;
  • Turbo lotto. Here the purpose of the game is to close the numbers in one line. For this version, each player is given only one card;
  • Three by three. You also need to fill in the numbers in one row, but the location of the row is important. If a participant filled in a row from above, others increase their bets. If the middle line is filled in, the player gets half the pot. The winner is the one who filled in the numbers on the third line.

Three by three lotto rules imply unequal conditions between the participants. Here, each player can have a different number of cardboard numbers. In general, the number of cards a participant has depends on how much money he is willing to invest in one game. There may be other types of lotto games with barrels, but we have listed the most popular ones. If you do not like lotto-type entertainment, where everything depends solely on luck, we offer to show their skills at full strength and play in other casino games online.

Lottery rules

All popular TV lotteries are built on the principle of playing bingo or bingo. To participate in this game, the viewer must buy a lottery ticket and wait for the lottery to be broadcast. Here, with the help of a special mechanism randomly selected numbers. If the fallen number is the same as the number on the player’s lottery ticket, the player crosses out the desired number. Sometimes there are special symbols on the lottery tickets, which play regardless of the number. When the mechanism finishes, players check the lost number with the one crossed out on the ticket. If a participant crosses out all the required numbers on his ticket, he wins. There are more than one thousand viewers in one lottery, which significantly reduces the chances of winning.